
Createdynamicend-to-endRESTAPIswithlittleornocoding.·AccessdatafromOracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,MSSQLServer,MongoDB,SOAPandotherRESTAPIs.,LoopBackmakesiteasytobuildmodernAPIapplicationsthatrequirecomplexintegrations.-loopback-next/docs/site/DEVELOPING.mdatmaster ...,ALoopBackapplicationinteractswithdatasourcesthroughtheLoopBackmodelAPI,availablelocallywithinNode.js,remotelyoverREST,andvianativeclie...


Create dynamic end-to-end REST APIs with little or no coding. · Access data from Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server, MongoDB, SOAP and other REST APIs.


LoopBack makes it easy to build modern API applications that require complex integrations. - loopback-next/docs/site/DEVELOPING.md at master ...

LoopBack 3.x

A LoopBack application interacts with data sources through the LoopBack model API, available locally within Node.js, remotely over REST, and via native client ...

LoopBack Documentation

LoopBack is a highly-extensible, open-source Node.js framework that enables you to create dynamic end-to-end REST APIs with little or no coding.

LoopBack 4

LoopBack is an award-winning, highly extensible, open-source Node.js and TypeScript framework based on Express. It enables you to quickly create APIs and ...

API docs: index

A package with utilities to help developers implement TypeScript decorators, define/merge metadata, and inspect metadata. @loopback/metrics, A component that ...

Introduction · loopback-docs

LoopBack 框架是由一组Node.js的模块构成的。你可以单独使用这些模块或把它们组合在一起使用。 应用通过LoopBack model API可以使用以下三种方式访问数据。


Documentation site. The site directory contains pages for documentation published at loopback.io. The content is organized along four quadrants ...